Informations > Visite IRT Saint Exupéry

IRT Saint Exupéry* is a technological research institute which accelerates science, technology research and transfer to aeronautics, space and embedded systems industries through the development of dependable, robust, certifiable and sustainable innovative solutions.

At our sites in Toulouse, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Sophia Antipolis and Montreal, we offer an integrated collaborative environment composed of 350 engineers, researchers, experts and PhD students from academia and industry for research projects and R&T services supported by technological platforms around 4 axes: advanced manufacturing technologies, greener technologies, smart technologies and methods & tools for the development of complex systems.

*We are a private research foundation, supported by the French government, which funds projects in proportion to the industrial contribution and defines the regulatory framework of the foundation.



Additive Manufacturing Platform

 Laser beam melting (LBM)/Electron beam melting (EBM)/Laser metal deposition powder (LMD-p)/Laser metal deposition wire (LMD-w)


Partial Discharges Platform

 Characterization of partial discharges under different conditions: humidity: 0-100%, T°C max: 300°C, Pmin: 100mbar, different voltage waveforms


Electrical Aging Platform

Study of aging related to the phenomena of partial discharges and space charges under environmental conditions


Thermal Contact Bench

thermal contact test under environmental conditions. thermal camera: T°C max: 1500°C, bandwidth: 1kHz, resolution: 640x512 Pi.

halogen lamps 600W. flash lamp 1500J


EMC Test Bench

Faraday cage: Surface: 30 m², EMC measurement: 10Hz-3GHz, high sensitivity AC/DC current probe: up to 200A & 200MHz, impedance analyzer


Two Electric Arc test Benches

Generation & characterization of electric arcs up to 300Vdc, 400Vrms, 180 kVa & 10mbar

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